Wednesday, October 26, 2005

We stop at Pangka for some morning tea. It was at Pangka in 1995 that an avalanche completely wiped out a Japanese trekking group as they sat in their dining tent. The owner of the teahouse servicing the camp met with the same fate. Today two lodges have sprung up again, this time slightly away from the avalanche path. "Famous avalanche site", Lakpa points out the spot to me. Other guides do the same for their clients. Pictures are taken. The avalanche happened after some freak weather in the Bay of Bengal deposited a few extra metres of snow on the Nepal Himalayas. Lakpa himself was trapped with a trekking group in Manang for a week, depending on food packets airdropped by the Nepalese Army for sustenance. With time, even tragedy becomes a tourist attraction, and tales of woe and ordeal anecdotes, tossed casually around over a cup of lemon tea.


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